Well I happen to have an hour to relax a little before I start getting ready for my girlfriends 50th birthday party, which is also a '60's & 70's Revival Party'. I've been busy helping decorate and getting all my gear ready. Another friend who lives in the same complex, and who did my make-up for my photo shoot, is doing my face again for tonight. I'm going as a black version of Twiggy, from the 60's. And yes Em and Frankie, I will have photos.
I'm quite looking forward to dressing up. It's not often I get the chance to do something a little different. I always did want to be a hippie and wish I'd been born earlier. Of course, I look nothing like Twiggy, and I'm not as skinny. But what the hey...I had this vision in my head of her, but it doesn't quite match her pics. I was mainly thinking of knee high boots, short dresses and thick, dark eye make-up.

This is more what I had in mind...except with an afro (and wish I had longer legs), and my boots are black and I'm going silver and black. Actually...I'm going to look nothing like these women...ha..ha..ha...
Okay...the whole other dimension.
I'm just in a real weird place right now. It's like an out-of-body experience. I'm going through all the motions that I've set myself up for. Nutrition is great, exercise is starting to pick up, and there's lots of goings-on, and things are in the pipeline. But it's like I'm physically here, but I'm not feeling my life with the kind of depth I was last year.
It's really hard to explain. And I don't know how to. I'm connected to what's going on around me, but I'm not connected with me. Geez...can't explain. It's like I'm living in a whole different universe. Everything seems to be the same, but different...I don't know...I'm grasping at straws.
What I have recognised lately is that I need to get some other areas of my life organised. AW is going back to work on Monday; Phil is starting daycare on Tuesday; and my previous life is about to change, and my future life is about to take a step in a different direction.
Things are busy with Ideal Bodies Online on the personal mentor side of things (which is great), and all of a sudden I'm getting requests for help, advice, coffees, etc, etc. Don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining. I always did say to myself that I needed to give more of myself, and I think this is God's (or the universe, depending on your perspective) way of delivering on my prayers. At first, I didn't think I was really helping anyone, but then I realised that sometimes any type of help, however small can be a big thing in somebody else's eyes. I have come to think that maybe I am making a difference, and that's a good thing.
However, I'm also at the stage where I need to prioritise my life and those things I said I'd cut out, I need to do very soon, and then put in the action to get everything back into balance. I've also had a request from a particular friend (you know who you are) to think about going back to teaching martial arts. Whoa!! That just totally shook my world, and was out of left field. I'd thought about it for some time, over the last number of years, but once I'd finally accepted that the past should be left in the past, and had finally made peace with that part of my life, that I'd neatly folded it up and tucked it away in a safe place...until last week, when my friend propositioned me about this. I never say never, however, there's just so much to consider, and one of those things was about my time and what I wanted to spend it on. It seems that even though I'm starting to give back, I am at a stage where I'm fiercely guarding the time I have to spend on my own fitness and martial arts pursuit. And I want to finish things that I start. So...who knows what the future will bring.
Okay...think my time is up. I want to enjoy the rest of my cuppa and put my feet up before the mad rush to get ready and head out the door. Hope you are all having a fab weekend!
I like the sound of what you're going through, Kerry. It sounds like an emotional/spiritual growth spirit: Your universe is expanding, and your inner-being just needs a bit of reflection time to catch up.
Btw the way, if you want to be a hippy move down here to Mullum/Byron! :)
Hi Kerry - I do hope you let your hair down and enjoy yourself tonight! I am envious! I am sure you look fabulous - sometimes both you and Judes really put yourselves down i guess i wish you would believe you are gorgeous and I don't know I don't how to put it but I wish you wouldn't put "your not as thin or look quite like that". Anyway i'm probably making too much of a deal about that.
I also think that you like your routine and your routine is taking a bit of a shake up - you will come out of this stronger and wiser! keep on trucking Kerry, you're fabulous, remember?
xx sending you happy mojo vibes!
Hi Kerry.. There must be something happening universally at the mo. Your journey is slightly parallel to mine at the mo. Balancing things out and I have been inundated with emails and phone calls from people wanting my assistance in helping them start their journeys to healthy lifestyles. Its weird. And quite literally I've received 4 emails and 1 text message JUST THIS WEEK !!! And I'm not even a mentor !!! However, I do feel that it is leading me toward some life purpose stuff. And its very exciting (and a little scarey)
Enjoy your evening. Let your hair down and have fun girl. xx
Thanks Robyn. Hadn't looked at it that way. Hmmm...I could easily fit into the 'Byron' lifestyle (as perceived by mua)...lol... I'm dreaming of leading a more 'esoteric' existence in my retirement.
Thanks Em. I know...I know...I don't mean to sound like I'm putting myself down. It's just that I like to be brutally honest and have a laugh at myself. I do actually love who I am right now, and wouldn't want to be any other person. If I was perfect, I'd have nothing to strive for...how boring...lol...
Hey Nicole - I definitely think your current experiences are leading you toward your life purpose, and I think it involves helping other people better themselves. Whether it's as an NLP practicioner, or otherwise. You are already a wonderful inspiration and people are drawn to you because of how you life your life with such drive, honesty and purpose!
Why hellllew :)
hope the party was fricken awesome - I bet you looked HAWT.
I often struggle with feelings of "disconnectedness" even when things are going well - and I agree, it is a bit like an out of body experience sometimes. I hope the transition to your "new " life is smooth and easy.. I'm sure it will be!
Meanwhile - I think the universe is perhaps telling you that teaching martial arts is something you should be doing. ;p
thanks Judy. should get a couple of pics up tomorrow. It was fun and I really enjoyed getting dressed up.
Disconnectedness...it's a tough one. You gals have given me lots to think about...Got lots to mull over me thinks...lol...
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