I love the above lyrics to 'Live your Life', by Rianna feat. TI. Listen carefully to the narrated parts too - there's alot of wisdom in them. It's basically a gangster song, but it's a song about hope. What I think it emphasizes, is that regardless of your situation - regardless of how hopeless things may seem, that you have the power to change it. And by living your life - the way you are meant to live your life, with all it's triumphs and failings, that if you have hope and keep striving, that you too can shine and be proud.
If you get lost along the way, try to recall why you started and where you started. For me, I know the key to living my life, was working out how to live a life that was authentically me, rather than someone elses.
I'm writing this, because I've been following and reading Robyn's blog, and her posts have really got me thinking about authenticity. My motto for life is 'To thine self be true'. Though admittedly, for some of us, finding out what the truth is can take some time and there can be alot of twists and turns before we're able to discover what it is.
The most beautiful thing is though, on your way to discovering the truth, that's where all your best learnings take place. Without those learnings, what do we know what we're truly capable of and what life can offer us? As Sandra said in her most recent post..."Life is what happens to you while you're making other plans".
So I say...live your life which is authentic for you (whatever that is), because only then can you find and make peace with yourself.
Have a great week!
Kerry, thanks for such a thoughtful and genuine comment on my blog. Just giving you the heads up that I responded to your comment there, if you want to check it out.
In reading your response I got the impression that we were not fully on the same page (as you were trying to reassure me that married people with kids have their own struggles) which is so natural in blog land, you know, with there not being the usual non-verbal language cues.
I just wanted to clarify that my present stage of feeling the loss of that which comes from an intimate, loving relationship IS me being authentic. I'm not comparing, I'm not envying, and don't wish to be anyone else or living anyone else's life. I'm just feeling the loss and the sadness in my own life, and then expressing it. On the flip side, I'm also aware that I have an lot to be grateful for.
Actually, it's a huge step for me to write so openly about my feelings on this topic in such a public forum. It's a step out of my comfort zone: I usually keep things close to my chest as I tend to want to avoid being evaluated and judged (a typical trait of the socially anxious, btw).
I'm okay with feeling loss and sadness, in fact it brings me peace and contentment to be able to speak openly about my feelings.
Thanks for being such an authentic, genuine chick! :)
Thanks for clarifying your feelings Robyn. Sometimes how we interpret others' words, is not always what is. So thank you for doing that, and its' refreshing to know that you're not afraid to express your thoughts and feelings with authenticity. :)
Oh! BTW...my post on living your life was not directed at you, per se. It was your post though that go me thinking about authenticity and how it relates to where I am now. Thanks for planting the seed. :)
Cool. No probs. I felt quite chuffed being referenced on someone else's blog, especially yours. :)
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