The following are my health and fitness goals for the year. I want to look back on these in 6 months time and re-evaluate, and then come back in 12 months, and see how much I've accomplished. It's going to be a great year...I can feel it!
Now, I've organised (all) my goals and thought about them in relation to the ROLES I play, as I find this more practical for me. It also makes it easier for me to define what's more important to me so I don't make the mistake of taking on too much (I can do that, and end up jetisoning something along the way to lighten my load).
Anyway...the roles I play are....
INDIVIDUAL: Health & Fitness; Other Interest & Hobbies...
FAMILY: Mother; Home; Financial...
COMMUNITY: Body Corp Committees
I will only write my Health and Fitness goals, as the rest is most probably of little interest to you, and the entire list is quite lengthy. So to save you the boredom, here's my health and fitness goals.
1. Overall for the Year...
a) Utilise/incorporate more 'General Physical Preparedness' (GPP) programs to improve my fitness levels:
Summary...Emphasis on anaerobic activity, specifically improving the proficiency of the glycolytic pathway (which fuels activities that last between 10sec & 3 min).
Objective..."optimise physical competence in:
i) Cardio-vascular & Respiratory endurance ii)Stamina iii) Strength iv) Flexibility v) Power vi) Speed vii) Co-ordination viii) Agility ix) Balance x) Accuracy" (CrossFit - Forging Elite Fitness, Foundations)
b) "To perform successfully at multiple, diverse and randomised physical challenges" (The Things Worth Believing In, T.Gace, 'Combat Fitness Basics', 18/1/09)
c) Return to Wing Chun training in the 2nd half of 2009
2. Specifically for the year...
a) Enlist in the Army Reserves (PT) and attend initial base training in Kapooka, VIC for July 2009 intake.
b) Reach 10% BF and maintain around 12%, regardless of weight (in expectation of muscle mass increase over time)
c) Develop superior core (including lower back)/ab, upper body and hip/glute strength, utilising both weights and bodyweight resistance exercises.
d) Increase dynamic/explosive strength in legs, utilising both weights and bodyweight resistance exercises.
e) Incorporate 1/2 hour of Qi-Gong exercises into daily routine to balance internal and external (muscular) systems of the body, and to relieve tension.
f) Increase recovery periods, with sufficient sleep by aiming to be in bed by 9:30-10pm each night.
g) Maintain a healthy, adequate nutrition program to support and sustain my exercise regime, as well as being able to successfully fulfil the other roles I play.
Okay...time to come down from the clouds and start putting my goals into ACTION!
Ciao for now...Kerry :)
Kerry after witnessing first hand your determination and committment with your quest for your ideal body I have no doubt you will achieve any goals you set for yourself now, whether fitness or family.
YOU know you can do anything now and therefore nothing can stop you.
I look forward to hearing all about your continued successes.
Thanks Frankie. I know that was heartfelt. :)
I'm honoured to have you as my email buddy! Hope you'll be around awhile for the ride, as I look forward to tagging along on your wild one...reckon it'll be a hoot!
What fantastic and reachable goals! I agree with Frankie...you will achieve those goals! You're going to have an awesome year!
ummm...Kerry if you mean that when I get my hot body and my groove back that I'll revert to my man-eater, serial dating ways and blog all about it? You'd be right.
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